Sunday, November 23, 2014

Poetry Assignment 2 - Tone: "Autumn Leaf Dance"

This is a poem I'm writing for an exercise in tone. Let me know what tone you think it gives off. Anything is helpful. It's part of the assignment.


Autumn leaf dance,
colored whirlwinds at street corners
shift with traffic,
goldenrod, burnt orange, and vermilion,
prettier than dust devils,
magical, free,
meanwhile, the last few cling steadfast,
laughing, from a nearby tree,

Then color-loss brings
tans, copper, rust, raw umber,
and leaf piles,
crunch, crackle,
feet kick them, and jump them,
and still, the last few sing,
“Can’t catch me!”

Early Autumn snow dance,
        let them be.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Poetry Assignment 2: Irony - "Senseless"

After much delay, I'm writing my first poetry class poem. Its supposed to use two instances of irony. I think I did, but... Let me know your thoughts.

(an example of irony)

Listen, don’t you hear the silence?
It’s biting at saltines, nipping at your senses
like a train screaming “Stop!” three times
in succession, just in case
you don’t hear it

Credible witnesses lie about the truth,
it’s malleable,
sugar-coated, candy corn, conversation hearts,
liquefied to goo,
sacrificed and beautifully reformed.
Who cares about the truth?

New stone shoes sink without effort,
babbling soothsayer quieted,
flushed out,
shush, don’t you hear it?
The rancid sniff of defeat, mixed with nutmeg,
and burnt instant coffee, makes you gag

spit out the slime, shun the mask,
listen, don’t you hear it?
Thomp, thomp, thomp,
bubbles pull the stone soldier upward,
rocket-bound for greener waters,

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What Fresh Hell is This? Why Dorothy Parker?

I've decided to take an online  poetry course on Universal Class, and this is my first assignment. I've decided that posting the assignments on my blog holds me double accountable for the content. It's been a while since I've written about literature, so I felt a bit rusty, but it slowly became fun. Cheers!


Many years ago, I purchased The Portable Dorothy Parker. Immediately, I noted how completely un-portable it really is -- the thing is huge! It requires an oversized purse or backpack if you want to take it along to read on the train or on your coffee break, and you certainly wouldn’t want to lug it around for too long. I think that’s Dorothy’s little joke, though. Her sense of humor is both delightful and deprecating, and it rings through even in the title of her anthology.

I’ve read a few of her short stories, but mostly I just adore those poems. There’s something refreshing about her style, and her pacing draws me in. She has a certain rhythm and rhyming pattern that much of my early poetry relates to, and a sort of humor my older self understands. While, a younger version of me relished in her love (or lack thereof) poems, it is her more philosophical pieces that strike me now. Take “Philosophy” (aptly named) for instance.

If I should labor through daylight and dark,
Consecrate, valorous, serious, true,
Then on the world I may blazon my mark;
And what if I don’t, and what if I do?

There’s something about this poem that rings true to me as an artist, and something about her “I don’t give a damn” attitude that rings true to me as a person. She almost always throws in that final zing at the end, which I also adore. For instance in “Indian Summer,” another favorite which appears just above “Philosophy” in my anthology. She ends with, “And if you do not like me so, To hell, my love, with you!”

I don’t know that I’ve yet mastered her gift of the zing, but I surely like to end my poetry, my films, and my writing with a bit of a twist. Here’s one I wrote during the National Poetry Month challenge two years ago after a disastrous cupcake baking experience.

imploded upon itself
burning remnants,
remind me
I'm no Martha

Campy smells
and a snowy outdoors
coming in
to lessen the smoke
tell me
don't cry,
sometimes smoke gets in
your eyes

And you forget,
it's a better memory

I’m glad Dorothy Parker left us with so many of her memories, lessons, quips, and stories. She took her miseries, and made her readers a little happier. I guess that’s what I always aim to do with my poetry – take my own lessons,  ideas,  joys, and pains, and make those who read my words a little happier by seeing they’re not alone.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dear Facebook: What I Eat Doesn't Affect You

I originally posted this on Tumblr, quickly and in a rage. Then, I lengthened it, and figured I'd post it here on my random topic blog as well.



I have a friend who avoids pepperoni, another who gets terrified of sugar. My boyfriend and my best friend can’t tolerate dairy. I have acquaintances that are pissed off about GMOs, meat, and some that can’t eat corn. My body has an apparent dislike for gluten — though my taste buds may argue.
Until you have unexplainable and excruciating pain (I likened it to an alien child growing inside me), you may not know what it’s like to be poked and prodded by doctors with no clear answer except, “Yep. There’s some swelling and irritation.” With stomach pain it’s often a process of elimination — dairy, gluten, corn, soy, caffeine, etc. At the end of that elimination round a doctor may say, “We’re still developing tests to diagnose certain food sensitivities and allergies, but if you feel better without it I recommend not eating it.”
This is not a fun answer, and I personally decided to disobey the ruling for a while, but you know what… The pain started to come back! Over two years ago, I opted to stay gluten free for my own body, and guess what… No pain, no bloated belly (which I’d had most of my life, mind you), much rarer heartburn, and we won’t even talk bowels. Is it gluten or something we’ve chemically added to our food supply? Is it that being gluten free forces you to eat more from other healthy food groups — fruits, vegetables, dairy? Is it that certain grains just agitate other stomach or bowel conditions? Guess what? There are a ton of scientists and doctors working on that.
Going gluten free is not fun. I’ve learned not to complain, because really, what good does that do? But, do you assume I enjoy buying frozen bread with half the flavor as your delicious multi-grain oat bread? Do you think I like paying a dollar extra to get a hamburger bun or pizza that isn’t as flavorful as yours? Let’s not even mention what it’s like to be at parties and meetings where everyone else gets to enjoy a giant cookie or a piece of cake, while I nibble on berries and carrots. Get real! 
That said, gluten free brownies are amazing, and we finally found a pizza crust mix that rocks! In fact, there are many products at this point that are comparable… and you know what? That’s because there are people who need them. My brother’s girlfriend has full-on celiac, and you ought to have seen her eyes light up when I found gluten free fig newtons! Explain to me why having these products is a bad thing? How is seeing a gluten free menu or gluten free product in the store hurting you? 
I do not go on long rampages about diet soda, or soy products? I don’t scoff at egg-free or dairy-free products, and the fact is whether you “believe” in gluten allergies and intolerances or not, there are people with celiac who are rejoicing at being able to eat out, and enjoy foods that were otherwise unavailable to them. The fact is, some people do see major stomach, bowel, skin, and other conditions disappear or minimize when they remove gluten from their diet.
Do you know its celiac awareness month? Do you? Do you not find it questionable that certain “research” is appearing this month? Personally, I find it rude, and contrived.
Bottom line: What I eat or do not eat in no way affects most of you — sometimes my boyfriend, sometimes my family, and rarely, my friends. But, guess what? They don’t care! If you do not have a particular stomach problem I suggest you just go about minding what you yourself choose to eat or not eat, and leave me and my doctors to decide what I eat.
Thank you, and good afternoon.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

29/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

this is my first desk,
         my first office,
         the first space I've ever had,
     to myself

its quirks,
in order of annoyance:

the air vent,
never quite right,
        quite hot, on occasion,
        quite cold, most of the time

the whirring from fans,
used to cool, but make my head shake
                                           shake it out,
                          makeshift sound barrier,
                                                   drown out
kind of
the mouse cord, too short,
with an extension that beeped
                       that blundered
     mouse, busted?
           extender busted?
who knows

hidden away, in a,
and I quote "cave,"
         away in a corner,
like a misfit,
                      corner pocket,
                                        bat cave.

In other words,
      this place,
      this space
 the first place,
      first office,
      first desk
I've ever had to myself.

I loved it.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

27/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

  may or may not be relevant,

I wear your sweater.

Its reanimation
   through repurposed wool.
Do you come to life on those days?

When your blue threads hit sunshine
   and apple blossoms, 
do you remember?

You like birds, I think,
   and cornflakes with sugar,
flowers, macaroni...

Its hard to remember. 

To me,
   you are photographs, journal entries, 
other people's fond memories... 

and this sweater.

You're tied to me,
   woven yarn, dye, family.

This may,
   or may not be relevant.

Friday, April 25, 2014

25/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

       there's plenty of time,
it expands
    or contracts 
to your frame of mind.

Slow it up,
speed it down,
take in the view,
sheesh... Just look around.

  for once,
the faster you go,
the less you do,
don't hurry,
there's plenty of time,


24/30. - National Poetry Month 2014


Red wagon weather-worn
Trike, long parked pink handlebar
There's a storm brewing


Chit chat squirrel tease 
relies on meow cat food
the sky perfect calm


Pudding snack lunch pail 
Lullaby rocking chair sway
This is the way home

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

23/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

The timeclock on this gig
expired long before she left,
rats in the wall tiles,
tires popped by force,
the mud and smoke and wine piss
stuck in nostrils

days, months, 
years after she waved adios

Is that what PTSD stinks like?
rotten corpses and rottener souls?

Breaking f'ing news,
shouted the powers that be,
a wind storm, a circus train,
bones in the creek,
Blizzard warnings? Don't heed them,
Crime tape, 2 a.m.? Rush to the scene.

Danger be damned.

Its for the people, by the people,
while from the people she ran.

Fire on the mountain,
rumors in the mill,
beep beep, shakes awake,
the alarm clock has five hours still.

Monday, April 21, 2014

21/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

she carried a 
robot hand in her pack,
a weapon against 
the whir of the world,
a plastic cast to 
weild when things got weird,
she carried a
robot hand in ber pack.

Friday, April 18, 2014

18/30 - National Poetry Month 2014


another whoosh of colors and buzz,
a shake of a snowglobe,
a timer's half twist,
a tick mark on an ever-expanding list

days end.

like bare feet on a shag,
a sensation of unexpected comfort,
a palette fulfilled,
rest, to do it again

Thursday, April 17, 2014

17/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

The poet taught
    within words,
        within words,
and the language of commas and line breaks.

Wisdom from ancient,
forgotten, and forboding culture.

The poet caused their collission.

She writes --
    boundaries, be damned.

He wiggles letters,
    juxtaposes phrasing,
guffaws at the sound.

The poet spoke
    with letters,
         within letters,
and free verse breaks silence,
    forever, and ever.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

12/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

2 years gone.
FLASH! BAM! Zzzzip!

Just like that, 
  sometime between 25 and 30
it begins...


Where you live,
   who you love,
the clothes drying over chairs

In a BEEP,
  a DASH,
a FLASH, BAM, Zzzzzip
they are different,

or not.

You are different,
   or not.


Spend them well.


Note the pages.

2 more gone,
FLASH, BAM, Zzzzzip

Friday, April 11, 2014

11/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

red wine,
  sordid fantasy, hailed by pop-culure,
and kittens crowded sleepily 'round

a rare peaceful moment, 
    sweetened by knowledge
 that I won't repeat it tomorrow

Thursday, April 10, 2014

10/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

abandoned roadside,
   swept to the gutter,
garb, turned to garbage,
sole separate from soul

drive-by questions
   without time to truly note,
    or model,
    or condition,

who are these
   barefoot bodies
settled on sacrifice?

   is there despair?

trashed by choice,
   or jest

street-side shoes,
for their last wear


Sunday, April 6, 2014

6/30 - National Poetry Month

a crow squacks, early morning,
   a waking dream voice,
"Is anyone there?"
three kittens curled round,

take note,
all is well

blind-altered sunlight, mid-day
  coffee on hand,
"Is anyone there?"
repose comes slowly
when awoken by such sounds

keep track,
something may be amiss

moonrise, eight p.m.
   electric porch light fizz,
"Is anyone there?"
three kittens curled round,

take note,
all is well.

5/30 - National Poetry Month

I was writing this in my head on Saturday, but laid down at midnight and realized I never wrote it out.

She used to sit and stare,
behind those eyes, what she saw,
I can't say

It never occurred to me
at the time
what plagued her
was palpable,

OCD habits pertaining to sugar,
cereal, and tissues --
I thought were just preferables

and the staring,
  oh the staring,
      and the griping,

Knowing now
what I never knew,
that I could have known her,
   met her,
      really seen her
if only someone had known,
   what to do.

Friday, April 4, 2014

4/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

once I used to be paranoid
of the voices,
not in my head,
but all around
quiet, but so freakin' loud

What if so-and-so thinks I"m a
what-and-what, or if
he-or-she says I'm a
then I realized,
I'm none of those things,
so what does it matter
what you-over-there thinks?

A lesson, you see,
you learn
as you go
quite simple

just be,
what you know.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

3/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

Racing cats, more like kittens
No more fun

Baby poem, circa grade three
Now we're done

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?
is running in my brain
even though,
I can't recall ever seeing it until
that poor boy was... 
You know... 

Not a boy,
but a man,
remembered for...
Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?

What will it be for you,

Whatchu talkin' 'bout?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

1/30 - National Poetry Month 2014

too much always,
go, do, be,
never through

or is that

malted milk ball,

to sustain life

daisy-cluttered meadow,
shallow sea,
painted frames,

go see.

April 1, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Shower Poem


Heated drops of respite
bearing down like


No power to
daily tragedies, triumphs,
fears, successes,
on naked skin
in showered safety

Water knows

Refreshing bits of habit, 
necessity, livelihood,
now spin to infinity
