Monday, October 5, 2015

A Moon to Moon Experience

between the
Blue Moon and the
Super Moon,
life exploded

a game of chance

in one wild revolution,
the phases voiced a challenge,
"Listen humans, to my signs,
for I am moon"

cards, once close to the chest
flew tornadic into the air
with gusto, fury,
diamonds, hearts, spades,
clubs, all in a swirl,
gaining momentum, hitting their mark,
making a play,
landing silently on the Summer grass,
love notes lost to an egg timer's heavy hand

a fools game

well before her queenship
disappeared behind the sun,
eclipsing for 72 reddened minutes,
her smile extending
into an incandescent grin,
a sign, doomsayers claimed
to mark the end

she, whispered,
"hush, you're okay,
look up,
the sky, it's still there,
punctuated by
black and mauve, gold and sapphire,
all colors at once,
and clouds, so many clouds,"

the game closed

players shifted,
whirlwinds settled,
cards landed where
they're going to lie,

and as poker faces brush lips
with the moon,
the orb absorbs their power,
new love,
strong, poetic,
ripe and tomato red,
there's no question,
no answer,

in one wild moon to moon experience,
the game changed,
and not by chance

1 comment:

  1. An incredible poem! I love the buildup of passion. The imagery is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
