So... I wrote this based on a Friday evening of bar conversation hashtags created while watching my friends Travis Duncan & Jeremiah Walter (The Rogue Spirits) perform.
While writing, I questioned whether it was the best use of my time, but then decided, "Oh, it's all a crazy process anyway! What the heck!" So... Enjoy! (or something)
the #BlueMoonIsALie and #ThatsWhereWereAt,
#ThereIsNoSadface #SiriSaidSo, so,
This is all #Nonsense,
it doesn't belong on Facebook,
it should be on Twitter.
It is on Twitter. #ShowMeTheThankYouFace
#NowIHaveGarlicBreath, so #NoVamps,
Hey, #YouNeverBringTheSaw
Please, #KeepSayingWeirdShit
#GoogleUnicorn #Outstriment #Unstriment #Outty #Inny #Unny?
#PianoWhisk #WhiskItGood #TheresSoMuchCake #FingerFoodRestaurauntReviews
#Hashtag does exist
#YoJoe, #TwittersYourWingman,
#CauseItsABird but,
#TheMoonLies and
#DefineMyEmotion #OnTheHouse #:) #:( #ThereIsNoSadface,
Oh, #SloppyJoe, #HaveYouHadEnoughYet? #YouOnlyYOLOOnce
Please, just #KeepSayingWeirdShit
#JazzHands! #AndWeFoundedAGleeClub,
#TheBlueMoonIsALie and #ImNotFeelingCleverImFeelingMad,
Please, #KeepSayingWeirdShit
It #NeedsAWhistleChorus and
but #UkuleleMusicMakesABadDayGood,
it's a #FleaJumper
#TheMoonLies #ThereIsNoSadface,
#SadFaceIsConfusedFace so,
#TravisIsGoingToSwitchUnstrimments and #WereGonnaFillTheInternetWithAllTheNonsense, so please, #KeepSayingWeirdShit #ItsGarlicyGood
#Unny? #Inny? #Outty?
and #ThatsWhereWereAt
#DefineMyEmotion #ThereIsNoSadface,
Please, #KeepSayingWeirdShit
and #ThatsWhereWereAt
I finished another poem yesterday too -- a throat bubbly one. Its really beautiful, but it doesn't belong here. It belongs in someone's pocket. I'll share it one day maybe, or I may hand it over for the correct password. (Ha!)
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