Friday, June 15, 2012

How to write your life... The pondering of the webisodes

So, this whole blog began because one day I said, "My life is like a sitcom. We're going to drag this out for years." It rolled on from there, and then every time something funny happened we started saying, "Oh! That has to be in a webisode." Now, I'm faced with the question. Where do I start? How do you write a series that really isn't about anything? Okay, it was about something, but then it took an unexpected twist, and the story changed back to nothing. No, not nothing exactly. It's about life, and friendship, and the funny stuff that happens every day. You know, that stuff that makes you say, "Oh! That has to be in a webisode."

The webisodes will be from my perspective (Documentary GoPro style), but where to begin... I suppose you begin at the beginning. The beginning is funny in retrospect. I guess that's the part I just didn't see coming... or did I? As Carol Burnett said, "Comedy is tragedy plus time." Yes, I believe our story will begin at a duck pond.

These are some other topics we'll cover.

1. I Didn't See that Coming
2. The Two Punch
3. Moscow Mules
4. How to Tame Your Kitten
5. Wear a Dress Wednesday
6. Phantom Photographer

The end. Or is it the beginning?

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