my first office,
the first space I've ever had,
to myself
its quirks,
in order of annoyance:
in order of annoyance:
the air vent,
never quite right,
quite hot, on occasion,
quite cold, most of the time
quite hot, on occasion,
quite cold, most of the time
the whirring from fans,
used to cool, but make my head shake
shake it out,
makeshift sound barrier,
drown out
kind of
the mouse cord, too short,
with an extension that beeped
that blundered
mouse, busted?
extender busted?
who knows
hidden away, in a,
and I quote "cave,"
away in a corner,
like a misfit,
corner pocket,
bat cave.
In other words,
this place,
this space
the first place,
first office,
first desk
I've ever had to myself.
I loved it.